Religious Education: Statement of Intent
Religious Education is at the core of the curriculum for Christ the King Catholic High School. The subject supports the school mission to nurture our students spirtually, acdemically and personally. Students at both key stages study Religious Education for 10% of their curriculum entitlement.
The curriculum at Christ the King Catholic High School follows the guidance of the Diocese of Lancaster Curriculum Framework. At each key stage, students explore Religious Education through Revelation, The Church, Life in Christ and Celebration, tying into key Church documents to enable students to deepen their religious and theological understanding and to be able to communicate this effectively.
Students begin their study of the Religious Education curriculum at Christ the King Catholic High School by exploring our school and parish community, where students discover the school’s mission and its context within the Parish of John XXIII. The history and tradition of the Church is central to the curriculum with learning centred on the gospels and the life of Jesus Christ. Students are encouraged to take practical actions from this learning, therefore the department is central to the school’s charity work, as the RE curriculum aims to develop learners that can take their lessons beyond the classroom setting and applying them to their daily lives by becoming stewards of the gospel.
Study of community develops further across Key Stage 3 to look at humans as global citizens. Students study global issues in the light of Christ and Church teaching, responding to the needs of the world around us, especially through charities such as CAFOD. Students reach wider with the of study world faith, and explore the traditions and practices of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism at Key Stage 3 with a greater depth study of Judaism at Key Stage 4. This choice follows the direction of the Bishop of Lancaster and supports the study of Foundational Catholic Theology for GCSE.
The Religious Education curriculum challenges students academically as the subject is rigorous in assessment and teaches students how to express opinion and belief with deep levels of analysis in extended writing. The subject enhances levels of literacy and allows students to apply skills to meaningful questions in their written work. Speech and language is developed through intelligent debate, where students discuss some of life’s big questions, and self-esteem grows through the requirements of class presentations and group work.
Studying both our local and global community in the curriculum affords students the opportunity to look outside of the self and to empathise with the world around them. Lessons encourage debate, philosophical thinking and the study of key theologists who shape our thinking. Students relish time to reflect on their lives and their place in the world as individuals in the eyes of God.
The Religious Education curriculum also encompasses the delivering of Human Relationships and Sex Education (HRSE), the policy for HRSE is on the website and is fully aligned with the objectives of the Diocese of Lancaster. Through the study of HRSE the department work closely with the charity LIFE. We choose to work with this particular group as they promote the sanctity of life in a very practical way.
Religious Education at Christ the King Catholic High School is more than a stand alone subject, it underpins the foundation of our mission and aims to develop each learner in every aspect of their spirtual, academic and personal life, therefore is a subject that prepares learners for any future career pathway. The study of Religious Education is particularly useful for those learners who aspire to a career in teaching, law, journalism and medicine as it requires students to think compassionately and from many different points of view. Following successful examination results at GCSE, many students choose to study Religious Studies or Theology at A-Level. We have an excellent relationship with the A-Level staff at Newman College and our students are introduced to the Newman team in Year 10. We encourage students to have high expectations of themselves through valuing their own self-worth, which leads to excellent results at GCSE.
Teaching Staff
Mrs A Williams (Head of RE/Chaplaincy co-coordinator)
Mr L Lomas (Teacher of RE/Chaplain)
Miss A Montgomery (Deputy Headteacher)
Ms M Hargreaves (Teacher of English/RE)