At Christ the King, we issue reports to parents twice per year.  In years 7-10, this is comprised of an interim report in January/February which gives details of current attainment and effort, then an annual report in July which contains subject specific targets for improvement and a more detailed comment on each student’s involvement in school life and engagement in learning.  In Year 11, the formal written report is sent to parents earlier in the year as the targets relate directly to revision for final examinations.

All reports will contain three effort grades per subject: Preparation for Lessons, Behaviour for Learning and Homework.  The criteria for the awarding of these effort grades is on the document at the bottom of this page.  A minimum expectation is for students to achieve C grades in all areas, with students who display continued high levels of effort rewarded for this through The CTKWAY.  Students are also rewarded for achieving or exceeding their minimum target levels.

In addition to the reports, we also offer a number of opportunities for parents and carers to consult with staff regarding their child’s progress.  We offer a Year 7 evening early on in the year so parents and carers can find out how their child has settled in to secondary school.  There are also KS3 and KS4 evenings, where parents and carers can speak to subject tutors regarding individual students.  In the Spring term, we offer a Parent’s Consultation Day where students and parents/carers can discuss progress and attainment with House Tutors.

We are also happy to discuss attainment and progress at other times of the year – please feel free to call the office and arrange for the relevant Achievement Co-ordinator to contact you directly.