At Christ the King Catholic High School we offer and provide a wide range of support to our students and their families. If you are struggling in any way, then please do contact the school office who will put you in contact with the right person. 

Our pastoral team is able to support and signpost to services that can help you and your family. 

Pastoral Team

Mrs C Cartwright

Mrs C Cartwright

Assistant Headteacher - Pastoral / Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs A Williams

Mrs A Williams

Head of Year 7

Mrs J Dodd

Mrs J Dodd

Head of Year 8

Miss H Nayee

Miss H Nayee

Head of Year 9

Miss L Brown

Miss L Brown

Head of Year 10

Miss L Wilkinson

Miss L Wilkinson

Head of Year 11

Mrs N Furesz

Mrs N Furesz

Family Support Worker

Mrs M Angus

Mrs M Angus

Attendance & Admissions Officer

Mr M Bellingham

Mr M Bellingham

Attendance and Behaviour Support Worker

Here is a list of some aspects of our early help offer:


  • Support with transition
  • SEND support
  • Access to food banks
  • Pre-worn uniform available
  • Wellbeing support for children who are experiencing difficulties in school or at home
  • Working with families who have attendance and punctuality issues
  • Signposting to support with housing, benefits or debts
  • Signposting to parent courses and activities for children
  • Working alongside family hubs to give children the best start in life